Spontaneity is one of the simplest, yet most powerful qualities you can cultivate.

It enriches your experience and acts as a catalyst for spiritual growth.

By incorporating even a little spontaneity in your life, it can change everything. In this way, spontaneity is a small hinge to swing open the biggest doors of your life.

First though, let’s define spontaneity. Here’s the definition of spontaneous, according to Dictionary.com: “Coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned.”

It comes from the Latin word spontaneus, meaning, “Of one’s free will.” That points at a deep truth here.

When you’re spontaneous, you exercise your free will. This means you’re expanding your awareness and capacity for experience,  which is spiritual growth. So spontaneity is like exercise for your soul.

Are you starting to see how important spontaneity is? Well, there are a lot more benefits too.

Benefits Of Spontaneity

Spontaneity comes with a lot of benefits. Here are some of the biggest ones:

  • Creativity – Makes you more creative, which comes with all the downstream benefits of creativity.
  • Imagination – Gets you more in touch with your imagination, which also comes with lots of downstream benefits.
  • Joy & Bliss – Helps you experience deeper joy and bliss, and enrich your experiences.
  • Play – Adds more play, fun and lightheartedness to your life.
  • Acceptance – You learn to work with what IS, and let go of perfectionism.
  • Trust – Cultivates deep trust in yourself and the Universe.
  • Intuition – Hones your intuition, which comes with so many other benefits.
  • Courage – Helps you become more courageous in every way, and transcend fear/doubt.
  • Freedom – Creates greater freedom, and breaks you out of old patterns and ruts.
  • Confidence – Enhances your confidence in a genuine way.
  • Commitment – Teaches you what full commitment is.
  • Flow state – Helps you get into flow state, which comes with a lot of downstream benefits.
  • Adaptability – You become more dynamic and adaptable.
  • Intentionality – Helps you become more intentional with your thoughts, words and actions.
  • Connection – Strengthens your connection with your soul, Higher Self and the Universe.
  • Revelations – Helps you reveal new insights that you couldn’t see before.
  • Embodiment – You embody more of your Higher Self, and transcend ego tendencies.
  • Mindfulness – You become more mindful, present and aware (another benefit with a lot of downstream benefits.)

If you want to experience more of any of those, spontaneity is your key.

Now let’s get into the practices. How do you actually become more spontaneous in your life and reap those benefits?

How To Be More Spontaneous

Spontaneity is inherently unplanned and freeflowing. However, there are some practices that help you develop spontaneity, and do it in a fun way.

1: Freestyle Rapping

Freestyle rapping is simple, but not easy. Put on a beat and start rhyming to the beat. If you’ve never done it before, it’s going to be difficult. But have fun with it. Just let the words come through.

Note: If you want to see mastery-level freestyle rapping, check out Harry Mack’s videos on YouTube. Here’s one to start with: Strangers Fall In Love With Harry Mack’s Freestyles On Omegle

2: Singing

You can also practice freestyle singing. Come up with your own lyrics and melodies as you go, and express yourself that way. You don’t even have to sing words. Sometimes singing different tones and sounds feels better.

3: Metafloetry

Metafloetry is a term I came up with that’s a combination of freestyle rapping, spoken word poetry and intuitive messages. The format isn’t fixed. It might rhyme or it might now. But the freeflowing message, with a fluid format, makes it a great way to practice spontaneity.

Here’s an example: Metafloetry Message: Inner Eyes

4: Dancing

Dancing is probably the easiest way to be spontaneous. Just put on a good song and move. Let go of any judgment and let your soul express through your body.

5: Journaling

A more subtle way to be spontaneous is through journaling. Just start writing and let the words pour out onto the page without judgment or inhibition.

With journaling, the hardest part is getting started. You can use journaling prompts to get started, such as how you’re feeling, something you’re observing, something you’re integrating, a concept you’re learning about or an interesting question.

6: Intuitive Movement

Intuitive movement is listening to your body, and moving spontaneously with its needs and wisdom. It can be a really powerful experience.

Oftentimes, intuitive movement looks like an impromptu blend of several modalities, such as yoga, qigong, dance and calisthenics. The key here is to move intuitively according to the wisdom of your body in the moment.

7: Intuitive Art

Any kind of art can be turned into a practice of spontaneity. In fact, the best art is intuitive, channeling a higher power beyond the ego. That’s when the real magic happens.

Whether it’s painting, drawing, writing, music, dance or building something with your hands, surrender to the spontaneity of intuition and let the art create itself.

8: Explorative Walking

This one is so simple and fun in subtle ways. Go for a walk with no plan. Just spontaneously walk where you feel guided to. Also, this is best when you leave your phone or any distractions at home.

9: Habit Micro-Shifts

A subtle way to include spontaneity in daily life is through what I call “habit micro-shifts.” These are little changes that you make to your daily habits to spice things up.

It could be something like taking a different route to work, adding a new ingredient to your usual breakfast, trying a new workout, wearing different color clothes than usual, etc.

When you do these little habit micro-shifts, you automatically become more present and enjoy the moment on a deeper level.

10: Random Absurdity

Let yourself be random and weird sometimes. We’re all quirky and absurd in our own ways.

This could really be anything. Come up with your own language, do a little dance when you feel happy, climb a tree, give a stranger a genuine compliment, smirk at the cosmic joke of existence…etc.

Now, use your own discretion here in terms of what’s appropriate. For the most part, as long as you don’t harm or disturb others, you’re good.

One of my favorite ways to incorporate random absurdity is to say something unique when someone asks me how I’m doing. Instead of the all-too-typical response of, “Good,” I’ll say something like, “I feel like a surfing dolphin.” That’s a fun little way of breaking out of auto-pilot mode for both myself and the person asking.

11: Spontaneous Day

You can also create a spontaneous day, or part of a day.

Dedicate at least part of a day to complete spontaneity. No plans, just seeing where life takes you.

An easy way to do this is to drive to a town, city or a park, and while you’re there, be devoted to spontaneity. This can be a lot of fun, plus you’ll learn how to trust your intuition more.

12: Your Own Ideas!

And last but not least, you can spontaneously come up with your own ways to be spontaneous!

Use your imagination, creativity and present moment awareness to cultivate more spontaneity in life.

The Balance

Now, can you be too spontaneous? Of course. Everything is a balance. And many things require planning, strategy and consistency.

However, most people are so far on the “over-planning” side of the spectrum that they could use a lot more spontaneity in their life. So chances are, you’ll benefit from more spontaneity in your life.

Also, the heightened awareness and intuition developed through spontaneity can – paradoxically – help you realize the best situations to apply planning, strategy and consistency. There’s that too.

Back To You

Spontaneity is such a simple and fun way to grow spiritually and enjoy your life.

We’re spiritual beings having a human experience. Spontaneity is a celebration of that. It’s literally exercising and expanding your free will, helping you embody your Higher Self more.

The benefits are profound and wide-reaching, so I hope that inspires you to include more spontaneity in your life.

You can do it in big or little ways. It’s all good.

Wishing you a beautiful, spontaneous present moment.

With Infinite Love,
~ Stephen Parato

Categories: Essays